Her creation that it's sound or visual, was always based on the improvsation. Since always she felt a deep fascination, for the instinct and all that results from it. What are its deep sources, was always her great existential question! Thus on the line of her work, her research, she learned how to tame her interior dashes... And thus to create her own bench marks, through her senses, her emotions and her spirit, stimulating her inspiration. Her exaltation is a harmonious tangle of lights, colors and forms, stimulated by melody, rhythmic and organic sound waves, generating a cosmic dance; the image making echo and vice versa.... Her greater dream is to have the chance one day, to compose music for a film, a video, a choreography, or a live performance. She aims to get the opportunity to transcend all her experiences and passed researches, and achieve the apogee of her Art... Since the beginning of her thinking life, she felt her destiny to guiding each one of her steps. The label of fatalist was given to her! Even so, her faith in fate was stronger than herself... Thus the permanent research of the authenticity and the truth stucks to her skin. She took consciousness very quickly that creation was her essential food, and that it was the sense of her life. Thirsty of honesty and justice, by the force of the things, she will thus be found very often in margin of the largest currents of society... Very quickly once again, she will realize that it's so difficult to achieve fully oneself in this world as an artist, without sinking in misery and the lapse of memory. Quite naturally that will become and still is her ultimate struggle: Continue to create no matter what the cost could be... because otherwise life turns out in agony... Painter, Sculptor, Musician-Composer... Since 5 years old, the Muses inspired her on the piano; she excelled in the improvisation... It's in 1972, that she made with passion, her first steps in the drawing, during its hours of class at college. It's in 1974, at last released in active life, she engaged herself, body and heart, in her own discovering, as much pictorial as musical, (compositions on the piano, the guitar, the violin, the synthetizer), definitly an autodidact. With the passing of years, guided by her emotions, throughout her ordeals, she creates her own style in order to transmit by the color, the form and the sound, the lessons of life... Moreover in 1989, after ten years of conception, she gives birth to a divinatory tarot of 68 cards, which symbolizes and synthesizes perfectly, the steps of her artistic work. In 1995 she understands that her painting gradually leads her to stone sculpture; she thus puts her self to travel in and with volumes, while combining the physical effort and the harmony, exhalted sensation, when she improvises on the violin, always with her own rhythm. In 2002 providence gives her access to data processing, and since then she will be formed with the M.A.O, to improve her creations and in order to be closer to her dreams of electronic music. Then in parallel she will learn programation in order to build her own site, the one you're visiting by now.. Through all these years and all her experiences her Motto remains: life gives us its difficulties, but also its ultimate language and artistic expression, in order to overcome and transcend its tests. |
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